Mix wood and wrought iron to make a more interesting entryway

November 30, 2012 2 min read

In most houses, the staircase is the first design element guests will see when they walk through the front door. Because of its position, the staircase therefore has the opportunity to set the aesthetic tone for the entire home. Make sure your stairs are an interesting architectural feature and not just the portal to your house's second level by mixing and matching materials.

There is nothing wrong with sticking to simply solid wood or steel designs as finely crafted, quality sculpted balusters can establish uniformity. However, especially with central staircases that pour out into a large entryway, mixing it up will leave a stronger impression.

Wrought-iron balusters bring a lot to the table because they provide flexibility in terms of style and appearance. Because of their durability, these kinds of balusters are often incorporated into outdoor stairways, giving them a connotation of coldness. It's wrong to fault wrought iron for its durability, though, as it translates as well within the home as it does outside of it.

Pair this black metal with a darkly stained wooden handrail. A rich cherry staining will help to establish warmth when paired with the wrought-iron baluster. Reflect this coloring on the steps themselves and the moulding throughout the entryway in favor of traditional paint. This will help the balusters blend in with the design by breaking up the uniformity, giving you a more interesting and dynamic entryway.

You have an array of smartly designed wrought iron options that will be functional and look great on your banister, but on a central stairway that curves into your entryway, choose a design that creates visual dynamism. Deep belly balusters will bring greater depth and regality to the stairway, making your home look like a castle.

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